Was I dehydrated or maybe a bit clausterphobic?!

Question: Was I dehydrated or maybe a bit clausterphobic!?
I was at a theme park yesterday waiting in line for about an hour and I became a bit thursty but then from one minute to the next I became extremly hot and dizzy and began to sweat rapidly!. I wasnt able to stand any more!. my boyfriend ran to buy me water and he said when he saw my face I was really pale and my lips where white!. Once I drank water I felt much better!. Now I had a similar episode about 2 months ago at school!. I was walking to my next class and I became extremly dizzy!. So i went into the nearest building to I can sit somewhere!. My vision became really blurry and I was 10x dizzier than I was at the theme park incident!. What was wierd was I was Sweating buckets in a cold building!.I did have water with me but that did very little help!. On both occasions I wanted to passout and those two days were hot days around 90 degrees!. I did have food in my system on both occasions!.

My boyfriend said I might be a tad bit clausterphobic from all the people in line and also I get suddenly dehydrated sometimes at church!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

You might be suffering form low blood sugar levels from time to time or have low blood pressure!. I suggest you go see your local GP and have your sugar levels tested as well as your blood pressure!. If this is indeed the case, you should monitor your dieet carefuly, especially with foods containing a lot of sugar!. When you feel dizzy again, try eating something with sugar and see if your condition improves!?

that happened to me once too but it was after running about a mile and a half on a warm day!. i dont really know what happened but i didnt eat breakfest that day so maybe you were dehydrated!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can still be sweating and have symptoms of dehydration - you have lost water volume thru sweating, but the 'turn off sweating, we are losing too much water' switch hasn't triggered yet!.
1] at a theme park, doing yard or construction work - you should drink a liter of water AT LEAST every two hours!.
2] eat before going on any of these outings - you will use a lot more energy from excitement and exertion!.
3] Best breakfast would be a combo of protein AND carbs - such as:
cereal with milk, fruit
eggs with toast, and juice
peanut butter toast or cheese toast, and fruit or juice
4] eat some fruit or nuts or granola bar in between lunch and dinner stops - and eat before you are 'starving'!. don't wait longer than 3 hours between snacks!.
5] possible you have hypoglycemia - what kind of 'food in your system' did you have!?

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