I randomly vomited last night at about 1:00 AM...?!

Question: I randomly vomited last night at about 1:00 AM!.!.!.!?
Last night at about 1:00 AM I vomited about 3 times!. About 15 minutes before that, I had opened the window to my dorm and the stench of smoke from outside (where people below me smoke) suddenly made me feel a little funny and I got nauseous!. I suddenly felt pretty awful and immediately went to bed, then I tossed and turn and knew I had to vomit!.
Earlier in the day my stomach felt pretty acidic (I took pepto and it went away!), but could that be related!? I'm not sure what happened!.
Am I allergic to smoke, or what!? This has never happened before!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

sounds like your body was rejecting something!. or maybe you are getting sick!. but for some reason your body is weak and the smell of smoke can upset your stomach if it is already weak!. maybe u ate something bad!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My son every now and then would randomly vomit (mostly late at night) we got worried and took him to the doctor where they diagnosed him with acid reflux and now he has to take Prilosec every day!. Since you said you had to take pepto earlier in the day maybe if this continues that might be something to look in to!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This sounds very much like you ingested something disagreeable to your system yesterday and our bodies have sense to rid ourselves of harmful substances!. Especially since you say the feeling went away and you feel fine today!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe you were just feeling a bit off that night, but you shouldnt be randomly vomiting without a bug!. You arent pregnant are you!? If you just took one pep, you should be fine, you shouldnt take too many though xWww@Answer-Health@Com

it could be the smoke!.
my dad almost throws up everytime he smells smoke
has it ever bothered you before!?
if thats not it, the only thing i can think of
is your pregnant!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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