Is marijuana safe? In small doses?!

Question: Is marijuana safe!? In small doses!?
It depends on who you ask!. I personally think that in moderation (as in a few times a month at most), it is fine, although smoking it can damage your lungs just like smoking anything would!. Here are two websites (both reasonably credible) that show two different arguments about the harmfulness of pot:

Somewhat pro-pot website:http://www!.drugpolicy!.org/marijuana/fact!.!.!.

More anti-pot website:http://www!.drugfreeworld!.org/factsaboutd!.!.!.

You should look around both sites if you want to get a good idea of both sides of the argument!. Good luck :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Depends on your definition of safe!. I have smoked marijuana almost every day for 20 years!. I am a very successful VP of Finance for a national Home builder!. As long as you do not make marijuana (or any other drug for that matter) the first priority in your life you are safe!. You would be very surprised at just how much of society actually smokes weed! Happy Smoking!Www@Answer-Health@Com

oh my god, people are going to tell you tons of bad things after this post
it all depends on your activities while smoking!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Just stay home when you smoke and don't leave the house!. If you go outside, the paranoia (a normal side effect of pot) will kick in and bother the hell out of you!.
physically, it's really not that damaging!. People compare it to smoking cigarettes, but the average cigarette smokers I know smoke 10 - 30 cigarettes a day!. The average pot smoke I know smokes 1 joint every other day!. 1 joint, the same size as one cigarette!.
Plus, no one's ever over dosed on marijuana!. all you get is hungry!. and maybe a sore throat from coughing if you haven't had much practice with it!.
good luck, have fun, be safe, be smart!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

perfectly safe if your sensible with it, unlike cigs and alcohol!. of course it'll become a prob if you smoke non stop, but at least it doesn't slowly **** your body up when you have a joint!. oh and ignore thicko down there, it is only mentally adictive no one in their right mind would call it quite an addictive drug ffs my doctor told me that since i started smoking my BP and HR have decressed from lack of stress, which of course can killWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes - but the danger is that it is quite an addictive drug, and it is hard to keep in small doses!. Frequent use can cause long term damage, moderation is the key!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Marijuana itself is perfectly safe, aside from the lung damage!. It's doing stupid things like driving while stoned etc!. that makes it unsafe!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No, not even for "medicinal" purposes!. Keep off the grass!.


a little bit every month or 2 wont kill you, but daily will have its side effects!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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