I am having trouble sleeping... ? ?!

Question: I am having trouble sleeping!.!.!. !? !?
No matter what I do, I can not sleep!. On weekdays I go to bed around 10:30, because I can't lay in bed any sooner, and I fall asleep pretty fast, but I am still tired for school ( I get up at 8- thats plenty of sleep!) On weekends however, no matter what I can't sleep!. It is now almost 2 A!.M and I need to get up early tomorrow!. And then on Monday I will be so tired for school!. What is wrong with me, someone help please!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

A couple of the answers above are true, a couple I would not recommend!.

1!. eliminate lights and sounds!.

2!. doing a work-out is good, however make sure its at least 2 hours before you plan to go to bed!. During a workout Adrenaline is released and that will keep you from sleeping!.

3!. Listening to a quiet and constant sound helps a lot of people (the humming of a fan works best)!. It quiets the noise of your "minds voice" and the predictable noise doesn't stimulate your temporal lobes!. (See Adaption Level Phenomenon)!.

4!. Taking drugs is a good temporary situation (ie Jet Lag)!. However, it effects your REM sleep so you end up needing more sleep to feel rested!. Some prescription drugs, like Lunesta, work through a different way and generally provide adequate REM sleep!.

So my advice is try #3 and make sure its a fan that makes some noise!.!.!. usually ceiling fan is too quiet!. Do some exercise prior to bed!. Avoid caffeine ~6 hours before bedtime!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

To lay down is as beneficial as sleeping!. When the body is horizontal, it knows!.

If you can't sleep, simply means, that you are too awake with your spirit!. Your spirit is the fuel to your human body!. Without fuel aka gas, your human body aka car is not moving!.

In order to sleep, you need a chemical drug called seretonin!. Take deep breath, Inhale and exhale, so you trance into Delta Sleep to release seretonin in your brainWww@Answer-Health@Com

this may take a lt of time but just lay in bed and try to stay away form thoughs!. listen to stuff around you like your breathing and you can take some warm milk!. that usually works for me it maight take upto an hour but if you do this when you need to then the time gets smaller until you can make yourself fall sleep:)

hope this helped;0

Definitely eliminating all lights and sounds is really great!. Helps a bunch!. And sleep tablets or whatever do work!.

But I also recommend maybe doing something active to help make you tired!. Maybe a mini little workout session before you go to sleep!. Hope you find something!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well first of all!.!.!.how old are you!? When you get older you find yourself needing more and more of sleep!. The first thing you should do before bed is take a hot shower, that will calm you down!. Then afterwards make yourself a hot cup of Green tea(flavored of course) or Chamomile tea!.
Trust me it worksWww@Answer-Health@Com

first of all---get off the computer---the lights stimulate your eyes and keep you awake

second---just take a benedryl around 9 or 10!.!.!.they completely knock you out, i swear its the miracle drugWww@Answer-Health@Com

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