Craving hotsauce????!

Question: Craving hotsauce!?!?!?!?
No, I am not pregnant!. I can remember, as a child, just drinking hotsauce, because it tasted so good!. So this morning, I took hotsauce, and just put some on my tongue!. Mmmm!.!.!. I could just drink it again!. This is so weird, why am I craving it again!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

SAME WITH ME!.!.!.i crave it allll the time!. i bet it's just your body naturally craving the lycopene in the tomatoes that the hot sauce is made of, and i bet you like the taste of hot sauce a lot better than tomatoes or any other food with tomatoes in it, so that is what your brain wants you to eat!

i wouldn't worry though, hot sauce isn't unhealthy, it boosts your metabolism and keeps your weight down!. it may cause heartburn or hurting when you take a crap, and if you drink too much of it, alcers!. but a bit of it each day is not going to hurt you, so go for it!Www@Answer-Health@Com

In Chinese medicine studies, there are 3 primary body types!. One of the, Kapha, has this characteristic about spicy hot foods!. So the Kapha's of this world share your enjoyment greatly!.


probably because you want to be like in you childhood again!. any way if you like to drink hotsauce then drink it!.!.!.!.!. it is good!Www@Answer-Health@Com

No clue, but i crave really weird things to!.!. I mean like REALLY weird and im not pregnant either!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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