Marijuana causes.......?!

Question: Marijuana causes!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
So i know that this sounds stupid, but my friend and i were talking about drugs recently and she said that Weed doesn't cause lung cancer, is that true!? Wouldn't the lung cancer be caused by the smoke!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Marijuana use increases the heart rate as much as 50 percent, depending on the amount of THC!. It can cause chest pain in people who have a poor blood supply to the heart - and it produces these effects more rapidly than tobacco smoke does!.

Scientists believe that marijuana can be especially harmful to the lungs because users often inhale the unfiltered smoke deeply and hold it in their lungs as long as possible!. Therefore, the smoke is in contact with lung tissues for long periods of time, which irritates the lungs and damages the way they work!. Marijuana smoke contains some of the same ingredients in tobacco smoke that can cause emphysema and cancer!. In addition, many marijuana users also smoke cigarettes; the combined effects of smoking these two substances creates an increased health risk!.

Marijuana smoke has been found to contain more cancer-causing agents than is found in tobacco smoke!. Examination of human lung tissue that had been exposed to marijuana smoke over a long period of time in a laboratory showed cellular changes called metaplasia that are considered precancerous!. In laboratory test, the tars from marijuana smoke have produced tumors when applied to animal skin!. These studies suggest that it is likely that marijuana may cause cancer if used for a number of years!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Lung cancer is caused by the chemicals in tobacco that is in a cigarette
Marijuana is a plant, and does not have any of those chemicals!.
Marijuana does not cause lung cancer, and if you look there are many scientific experiments done to prove this!.
Add: It's important for the experiment to state that the people who were tested did not smoke cigarette's!. Many experiments that claim to prove marijuana can cause cancer test on people who smoke cigrattes currently or in the past; not Just marijuana!.

Marijuana contains THC!. Which has been said to cause brain damage!.There is alot of scientific research to prove that it does, and Alot of research to prove that it doesn't!. As of right now, there is no yes or no fact!.

Marijuana does increase your number of white blood cells, which help fight off sickness and infection!. It also speeds up your heart, causing your blood to move threw your body quicker!. This is hazzardous if you have preesisting heart problems!. Your metabolism also speeds up, giving you the hungry feeling!. Munchies! This all temporary, once you burn out all these symptoms are gone!.
With frequent/heavy use, THC will store it's self in the fat and muscle tissue!. It will stay longer in the muscle tissue!. It will dissipate over time when you use those muscles!. Heavy users who work out or play heavy sports will sometimes feel high even without smoking, because the THC is being worked out of the muscles!.
The only thing marijuana will do for sure is effect your breathing!. No, not lung cancer!. Damage in lung capacity, the size of breaths you can take, breathing rate!. Not so good for runners to yoga practicers!.
Occasionly, marijuana will probably not give you any noticeable long term side effects!.
I have even had doctors at the hospital tell me that they dont consider Marijuana to be a real drug!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

marijuana can cause lung cancer, it's a myth that it doesn't!.

How does marijuana affect the lungs!?
Scientists believe that marijuana can be especially harmful to the lungs because users often inhale the unfiltered smoke deeply and hold it in their lungs as long as possible!. Therefore, the smoke is in contact with lung tissues for long periods of time, which irritates the lungs and damages the way they work!. Marijuana smoke contains some of the same ingredients in tobacco smoke that can cause emphysema and cancer!. In addition, many marijuana users also smoke cigarettes; the combined effects of smoking these two substances creates an increased health risk!.

Can marijuana cause cancer!?
Marijuana smoke has been found to contain more cancer-causing agents than is found in tobacco smoke!. Examination of human lung tissue that had been exposed to marijuana smoke over a long period of time in a laboratory showed cellular changes called metaplasia that are considered precancerous!. In laboratory test, the tars from marijuana smoke have produced tumors when applied to animal skin!. These studies suggest that it is likely that marijuana may cause cancer if used for a number of years!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Marijuana smokers do not smoke nearly enough to acquire lung cancer!.

Think about it, it DOES take years (maybe even decades) for cigarette smokers to get lung cancer, and they smoke packs a day!

Research shows that marijuana smokers are at no higher risk for lung cancer or emphysema!.

Myth: Marijuana is More Damaging to the Lungs Than Tobacco!. Marijuana smokers are at a high risk of developing lung cancer, bronchitis, and emphysema!.

Fact: Moderate smoking of marijuana appears to pose minimal danger to the lungs!. Like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains a number of irritants and carcinogens!. But marijuana users typically smoke much less often than tobacco smokers, and over time, inhale much less smoke!. As a result, the risk of serious lung damage should be lower in marijuana smokers!. There have been no reports of lung cancer related solely to marijuana, and in a large study presented to the American Thoracic Society in 2006, even heavy users of smoked marijuana were found not to have any increased risk of lung cancer!. Unlike heavy tobacco smokers, heavy marijuana smokers exhibit no obstruction of the lung's small airway!. That indicates that people will not develop emphysema from smoking marijuana!.


weed doesn't cure cancer its merely given to people who are suffering badly from cancer or other horrible diseases to help their suffering!. smoke causes lung cancer!. weed causes alot of other probems too that are just as bad like addiction and gateway to worse drugs!. it also kills brain cells and can cause throat issues and leave your lungs open to respiratory diseases like bronchitis and pneumonia!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

your friend is right!. its the smoke that would cause any damage

According to John Sperling, in the forward of the book Legalizing Marijuana,

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