After I eat school lunch I fart alot, any advice?!

Question: After I eat school lunch I fart alot, any advice?
I eat regular school lunch. After I do so I fart alot. Any suggestions?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

School lunches are usually unhealthy and fatty. Bring your own, eat a salad.
If you just can't resist the pizza and tater tots then bring some TUMS. Keep em in your pocket :p

Hello Bill,

I am Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. I have many years of experience in the medical field, and i would have to say that this may be a life threatening situation. It is irregular for a person to release flatulent so many times after consuming food. Many studies have shown that the food served at schools have a high dose of unknown chemicals, possibly from the process heating food that were kept in a freezer for so long, then refreezing the leftovers and reheating them again. I was a part of the PTA for a time being, and there were many complaints from parents about how their kids developed stomach problems. There are many diseases and illnesses that are capable of causing this symptom, which occurs frequently, thus being abnormal. Bill...I believe that you may have contracted AIDS from the period blood of the lunch ladies. Trust me, being part of the PTA gave me the authority to see the darker side of schools.

Yours truly,

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater, Ph.D

Many years as a doctor, former PTA member, Professional

Well actually I have several. 1. Blame it on someone else. 2. Use it as an excuse to go home. 3. Say did you hear that frog? 4. Carry a metal can around and fart in it and at the end of the day let it out. 5. Did you just see that skunk? But yeah lots more but whatever.

just check that its is not processed food or food from the previous day(stale). It is hard for the body to digest such food and the body takes time break down. as such food is low in nutritional value it may find some outlet from the body.

Try to eat something else, the foods probably irritating your digestive system.

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