How do you get rid of a cold super fast?!

Question: How do you get rid of a cold super fast?
I Have a cheerleading competition tomorrow and I need to get rid of a cold by Tomorrow morning


Take a ton of vitamin C and eat no sugar, or dairy products.

What we call a cold can actually be caused by any one of over a dozen different viruses. Most of these viruses your body can get rid of within 1-2 weeks. You don't say how long you've been sick, but if you just got sick in the last day or two, it is highly unlikely that you'll be 100% better by tomorrow. All you can do in the meantime is keep your immune system as strong as you can, and that means getting plenty of bed rest, drinking a lot of fluids like water or juice (stay away from caffeine and alcohol, as these can dehydrate you even more), and not over-exerting yourself. There are no miracle cures for the common cold. Vitamin C and zinc lozenges have been proven to not help very much at all.
I wish you the best of luck tomorrow.

I am a physician with over 18 years of experience.

Run up to the drug store and buy some *Zicam.* It's new and is working really well in getting rid of colds. Talk to the pharmacist if you have any questions.
Good luck! :)

You cant. Chances are you'll be better by the morning

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