Repeated bloody nose?!

Question: Repeated bloody nose?
Late last night I got a bloody nose on the left side. It didn't last very long, but it'd been a long time since the last time I got one. I wouldn't be too worried about it, except I just got another bleed out of the same side. Should I see someone or is this just because of the dry winter air? Don't know if it matters but I've had a cough since about Thursday.


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Probably the air or a finger. Don't worry.

A common cause of repeated bloody noses is nasal allergies. If you have wintertime allergies, you are probably allergic to mold, which is more common in the winter when we keep our homes closed up tighter and spend more time indoors. If your symptoms persist, definitely have your primary doctor check you out.

I'm a physician with over 18 years of experience.

You probably just need a humidifier to put some moisture back into the air since its so dry during this time. Frequent causes of bloody nose is dry air.

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