How long does nasal congestion due to a cold usually last?!

Question: How long does nasal congestion due to a cold usually last?
Isn't it 7-10 days from the first day on the congestion?


Honestly, it can be anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks after the cold goes away. I know when I get a bad cold, I may feel better (fever and aches gone) after a few days, but I will stay stuffy for a couple of weeks afterward. A tip I got from someone that has worked wonders for me- Claritan D (available behind the counter, no prescription needed) is the best for clearing up nasal congestion whether it's from allergies or a cold or sinus infection. Always remember to stay hydrated and eat, even if you don't have an appetite. It will help. Feel better!!

EMT and nursing student

if there is no complications like a sinus infection, it should last 7-10 days. If longer you may have a secondary bacterial infection, so check with the doctor if it lasts longer than that.

7 days, if you lasts longer you should see a doctor for some Antibiotics

A few days

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