How many people die every year from marijuana?!


How many people die every year from marijuana?

just wondering if anyone has really died from marijuana, internet links usually show proof news pages whatever.


No one has ever been recorded as having died from Cannabis Sativa *marijuana*, HOWEVER, unless you personally know your local grower and their practices, Marijuana is often times cut with another drug, to either A. make it less expensive for the grower or B. Make it more interesting for the purchaser. You run into the the problem of consuming questionable chemicals that your marijuana has been "laced" with, and that could potentially kill you. Also, the effects of marijuana are much like alcohol in the way that they effect some peoples sense of logic. While the average marijuana user just looses motivation, some actually go off in tangents, and some commit suicide because of the mental state they were in before they smoked marijuana. In short, It's not really at all possible to die from ingesting marijuana, however, you may ingest something that you hadn't planned on.

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