Do prescrptions ever expire?!


Do prescrptions ever expire?

I just found a prescription that I was given in Feb. 2006 for Epipen that I never got filled - I had forgotten about it until I was just cleaning my desk drawer. Can I still get it filled or do I have to ask my doctor for another? Just wondering if the pharmacy will care about the date on it. Obviously it's not urgent but I should have an Epipen with me - I'm allergic to bees and now that it's summer I want to get it filled.

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2 weeks ago
I'm not talking about a prescription that I already got filled, it's the actual prescription that my doctor gave me - the piece of paper - I haven't taken it to the pharmacy to get filled.


Usually the prescription is good for 6 month after the date of prescription. Some pharmacies really dont look on the date so you might be able to fill it without a problem. If not then get the pharmacist to call your doctor and i am sure he will renew it over the phone and you will save a trip

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