How can I check if my growth plates are closed?!


How can I check if my growth plates are closed?

i want to see if my growth plates are fused together, and if i am going to continue to grow in height. who would i ask to get this checked? my general doctor, dentist or specialist? does it cost money? is it an x-ray? can they predict what my height will be in a couple years?


You are correct. You can check your growth plate using an xray in strategic parts of the body. Go to your general doctor, and I know they have formulas on prediction your height based on growth plate and the height of your parents (so inquire about your parents' height and jot them down in a piece of paper).

Regarding the payment, you'll have to pay for the xray and the doctor's fee, but if you hav insurance, there's no problem.

Hope that helped you somewhat.

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