Glycerin suppositories for constipation?!


Glycerin suppositories for constipation?

OK this is a bit gross but I really need advice.

I'm 16 and I've got problems with constipation that I've had ever since I was little, I see a paediatrician at the hospital about it every 6 months and I'm on two different medicines for it, but I still sometimes can't go to the toilet. Last time I saw the paediatrician, about 6 weeks ago, he gave me some glycerin suppositories and said I should use them if I hadn't opened my bowels for 5 days despite the other medicines which I take every day.

Anyway, I tried to use them today for the first time but as soon as I put one inside I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom, but when I went it was just the suppository that came out. I told my mum and she said I had to try to keep it in for a while, so I tried again but within a minute I was really uncomfortable and had to go to the bathroom and the same happened again.

So how can I keep it in longer so that it will actually work?!!


That is a normal response for your rectum to make. My son used to have the same problem when he was little.
Once you get the suppository in, lay on your stomach (dont sit up right, walk about or lay on your back). Put your legs up on some pillows to elevate your lower half and squeeze your buttox. It will take about 30 minutes for the suppository to soak into your system. I know its hard... try to think of something else while you are squeezing your buttox together. You need to pass a stool today.

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