Is it my thyroid?!


Is it my thyroid?

5 years ago i had gotten these headaches. Then they went away i noticed i would misplace stuff and couldnt remember where i put stuff. I would have mood swings more often. Recently over a month and a half ago, I would get tired spells off and on and feel depressed. My mind would get foggy and then they would go away. Today i just didnt feel good. Like lethargic and then it went away. Could it be my thyroid? I went to the doctor and he said it was my weight and diet. I got my blood drawn and hes checking my thyroid and other stuff. Im 15 years old. I cant stop eating. Even when im not hungry i eat. I gain so much weight. Could that be my thyroid?

Additional Details

1 month ago
My hair is also dry and course. Could i have a thyroid problem and never knew it, and its getting worse?

1 month ago
Ive also had constipation. sorry for typing all these details. Im just tired. lol


Some of your symptoms (mental fogginess, tiredness, depression, weight gain) are that of hypothyroidism, an under active thyroid. An increased appetite is the sign of the opposite hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid. Many people do crave sweets when they feel tired.

After my thyroid was removed and I was hypothyroid, I became moody, tired and depressed, but I didn't gain weight because I also lost my appetite. Most people do gain weight even if they eat less.

I am not a doctor, but if your doctor tested you there is enough of a concern that it is your thyroid even though the increased appetite is not typical.

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