Quick poll: is there anyone here who has gone from super-fit to ....?!

Question: super couch potato OR vice versa?
How did that happen?

Answers: super couch potato OR vice versa?
How did that happen?

I went through a bout of depression and put on about 25 pounds, did not want to leave the house and when I did ate everything that was not nailed down, thanks to some good friends and medication that is all behind me know....and my behind is not gone...lol

ME lol a went from super fit to couch potato and i blame my job as now i sit on my bum all day in a office lol x

yes but only through a debilitating illness for two years. I'm no longer stuck on the couch but i've gained loads of weight and am completely unfit. the thought of starting again from scratch is difficult but I'm just glad to be well.
now that im overweight and not fit i find it interesting how different people treat me, especially men. an interesting lesson in human nature.

I'm working on ultra couch potato to some sort of fitness.

Yes. I had what I thought was a minor illness. I went from being fit to unfit in under two weeks. I never fully recovered, and that was 4 years ago.

Edit - And like jiltedjohn I had a parent who died around that time.

Once you are very fit IF you stop exercising it does not take very long at all to become unfit. I was into long distance running and then when my mum died suddenly it knocked the hell out of me. I never done any exercise for 3 months. When I started exercising again I was back at square 1.

not really although I gained some weight recently and am un-gaining it :-P

Yup me

I've put on 3stone this year
gone from size 12 to 18
not really that sure how it happened, don't really eat more then normal and have stopped drinking (alcohol, that is)
Sitting at this computer doesn't help.
I've got a goal to loose 1 stone every 3months. until I'm back down again

ive gone fit to super couch potato.....its called depression

That had happened to me, my ex was the blame. Now i'm overweight, and so unfit. I used to do aerobics for an hour and half every day.

My fitness level has stayed the same. my weight is the same too.

Normal as you get older and bigger

14 years as a single taxi driver did it for me living all the time on junk food and chocolate bars.

thanks for your mail and kind words

Happens to me every summer, the football season finishes, my legs are killing me so I take the three months available to rest and always gain at least a stone, drinking and eating like mad with absolutely no exercise. Then come the end of the summer I start pre-season training and go through the cycle over and over again.
One summer I took to long distance running and got fitter than ever, now, every year I get up that fitness level again quite easilly. I think it is easier for your body to reach a level it has been at before than it is to get to a new level so if you have been super fit before just get started again and you'll get it back no problem. It's just starting thats difficult.

being pregnant put my weight on, but am now losing it, for the wedding

star time


I'm not too sure about being super fit. But I am definitely fit, compared to how I was 8 months ago.

I joined a gym, after having not done any exercise for 14 years (I mean, I just don't mean walking to the bus stop, or chasing my children around the park). I attended the gym 5/6 times a week for 1 hour at a time. I started to walk on the treadmill, then run for 10 mins, then gradually built it up to running for 30/40 minutes, along with using other equipment in the gym too.

I now still attend the gym. 4/5 times a week. I now also jog outside for 60 minutes, say 2/3 times a week.

I really, really, feel so much healthier, and happier. I also decided to change my eating habits too. I lost 48lbs in just over 5 months. I dropped 4 dress sizes. The results are amazing.

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