Can pain cause diarrhea?!

Question: I was diagnosed as having a bulging disc over 11 yrs ago (I'm only 23 yrs old now) and it has caused me extreme pain over the years. I've tried everything - going to physical therapy, pain meds, I was even going to a chiropractor 5 times a week, but nothing has really ever helped much. Of course the pain meds cut the pain alot, but I abused my meds once when I was 17 (more because I was naive about them, not because I was looking to get high) so now getting meds is very hard to do. I've been just living with the pain, but it's been so much worse lately - its getting hard to even get out of bed. I noticed that on my "bad days", my stomach is really upset and I usually get diarrhea. Could back pain and diarrhea be related symptoms for something else or can pain cause that? I don't have insurance anymore so going to a dr for an opinion is kinda out of the question.

Answers: I was diagnosed as having a bulging disc over 11 yrs ago (I'm only 23 yrs old now) and it has caused me extreme pain over the years. I've tried everything - going to physical therapy, pain meds, I was even going to a chiropractor 5 times a week, but nothing has really ever helped much. Of course the pain meds cut the pain alot, but I abused my meds once when I was 17 (more because I was naive about them, not because I was looking to get high) so now getting meds is very hard to do. I've been just living with the pain, but it's been so much worse lately - its getting hard to even get out of bed. I noticed that on my "bad days", my stomach is really upset and I usually get diarrhea. Could back pain and diarrhea be related symptoms for something else or can pain cause that? I don't have insurance anymore so going to a dr for an opinion is kinda out of the question.

Well, I am a doctor and the back pain and diarrhea could be related but I doubt it. I really doubt it. If the nervous system is that messed up, you've got problems. Probably you have irritable bowel sydrome, which is more of a nervous problem that a nerve problem. YOu start to have a lot of pain and become apprehensive about it (and who could blame you) and that is when the diarrhea starts. you probably need to see thright kind of Dr., one who will not blow you off because most docs get nervous or apprehensive about pain. I would get into a good physical routine and know your limitations. A good muscle relaxant , anti-inflammatory may also help.

When muscles of the back and abdomen are in spasm, it is highly probable that the bowels will spasm as well, hence, diarrhea.

Best solution for bulging disks without getting into surgery??? An INVERSION TABLE. Please google it. It DECOMPRESSES your spine so that there is reduced pressure on your disks and nerve endings!!! AMAZING, life-restoring equipment.

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