Why can't some kind of numbing med go into a tetanus shot?!

Question: If we all know how painful it is to get this shot, why hasn't there been any improvement?? I'm talking about the 2-3 days AFTER the shot.

Answers: If we all know how painful it is to get this shot, why hasn't there been any improvement?? I'm talking about the 2-3 days AFTER the shot.

I know just how you feel - they hurt like HELL! I had to get a tentanus shot when I sliced my knuckle open washing a glass when I was almost 9 mos. pregnant. Of course, when I appeared at the walk-in medical clinic, preceded by my stomach, they took one look at me and said, "WE DON'T DO THAT HERE!"

When I finally convinced them I was not in labor, I needed 4 stitches and a tetanus shot. I don't know which hurt worse initially - the lidocaine shot into the wound for the stitches or the tetanus shot. A few minutes later, I had forgotten all about the lidocaine shot, but for about a week, I had this enormous pain in my shoulder, accompanied by a HUGE lump from the tetanus. Can't they invent an oral vaccine like they did for polio?

a tetanus shot would not hurt after if people would use their arm as normal, dont shy away from using it, the more you can use your arm after a shot, the less you will notice it. as to putting in a numbing med, the numbing meds are painfull until they numb also, defeating the purpose. have you ever had a Rocephin shot? it is mixed with Lidocaine ( a numbing agent) it hurts like hell going in and for a couple days after sometimes. and you cant use that muscle to help in the process because you get it in your butt.

my last one didn't hurt so much, but i did get some sort of shot in the butt a couple years ago (was sick in the ER) and my rear end hurt for a year afterwards.

te remind u not to hurt urself with metal again...

Numbing meds only work in the short-term and also take time to have an effect. So, if you combined a numbing agent with the tetanus shot, it wouldn't take effect until maybe a minute to a few minutes after the fact and then would only last a relatively short period (meaning you'd still hurt days after).

Also, it may not be possible to combine a numbing agent due to needle size. When I had surgery this fall, they shot me up with Lidocaine before trying to start an IV site. Lidocaine, for whatever reason, has to be injected with a small, tiny needle that causes piercingly sharp pain when inserted. I'm just wondering if the syringe needle size is incompatible?

I think we also need to remember the old phrase, "if it's not broke, don't fix it". Although tetanus shots may be painful, they do what they are supposed to do. There are so many medical conditions and diseases out there, including the chronic condition I have, that aren't completely understood and don't have treatments, that I'd really prefer research money and time going into those.

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