How long does it take Wellbutrin to fully activate?!

Question: I just started Wellbutrin last Saturday and though overall my experience has been positive, I'm kind of feeling like I've moved from depressed to manic/depressive as it seems to work in fits and spurts. Sunday I felt weird, Monday was great, Tuesday not as great, Wed even worse, Thursday awful, now Friday, pretty great again. Just wondering how long I will need to wait before this levels out, hopefully on the "great" side.

I've experienced no negative side effects, and in fact have really experienced a couple of ones I'm digging.... besides the not feeling like I want to eat the children of the guy who cut me off, or feeling like the my head is going to explode everytime I come across a problem, or something slightly resembling a problem.

Most notably, all of my impulses and cravings are gone. I eat and the like, but just don't have unrelenting cravings when I deny myself of something. So far, so good! Hope this levels out though!

Answers: I just started Wellbutrin last Saturday and though overall my experience has been positive, I'm kind of feeling like I've moved from depressed to manic/depressive as it seems to work in fits and spurts. Sunday I felt weird, Monday was great, Tuesday not as great, Wed even worse, Thursday awful, now Friday, pretty great again. Just wondering how long I will need to wait before this levels out, hopefully on the "great" side.

I've experienced no negative side effects, and in fact have really experienced a couple of ones I'm digging.... besides the not feeling like I want to eat the children of the guy who cut me off, or feeling like the my head is going to explode everytime I come across a problem, or something slightly resembling a problem.

Most notably, all of my impulses and cravings are gone. I eat and the like, but just don't have unrelenting cravings when I deny myself of something. So far, so good! Hope this levels out though!

yeah its gonna take about a month. i experienced that too when i first went on wellbutrin but then it evened out at about 3 weeks. although it is different for everyone. my mom still has the kinda up and down so she supplements with different meds like adderall for concentration and lamictal to even her out. although she is possible bipolar. just stick with it and remember that mental health isn't an exact science yet and it will take some tweaking to get it right so just be patient and make sure to monitor your behavior so you can tell your psychiatrist whats happening. good luck and hope you feel better.

it will take a full month of not missing any doses to get it's full effect !!

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