Freak injuries?!

Question: What freak accidents have you had?

1. I was cutting carrots for a Valentines Day dinner and I cut the end of my thumb off.

2. I was biking with my sister, and while I was looking down she slowed down I ran into her from behind. I broke my wrist really badly and the worst part was that we had to walk ?km to a nearest house for help.

Answers: What freak accidents have you had?

1. I was cutting carrots for a Valentines Day dinner and I cut the end of my thumb off.

2. I was biking with my sister, and while I was looking down she slowed down I ran into her from behind. I broke my wrist really badly and the worst part was that we had to walk ?km to a nearest house for help.

I fell and broke my arm in school when I was 8 and the bone was sticking out my elbow just a lil bit and the nurse refused to call my mom for a whole hour and when she did all she said was "hello this is "nurse ??" from your daughters school. Don't worry, take your time mrs because your daughter is faking a broken arm"

My mom just screamed back "dont you dare speak to me like that if Laura says its broken its broken!" and she was fired a week later...

oh and wehn i was like 4 i "aparently" (according to my brother) pushed him onto an old rusty nail and he had to go to hospital, he was like 6


i broke my big toe when i was jumping on a trampoline

i had a carrot accident, i was peeling one with a chefs knife for some reason and cut my finger. now my finger nail doesnt grow right any more.

i accidentally got my foot stuck in a wood chipper, i used my cat to pry it out.

but in all seriousness just a couple stitches on my foot :P

when i was a toddler, i crashed into the edge of a glass coffee table(with my face), and nearly broke my nose.

I don't have one but my best friend was riding his bike and went between two dumpster, I don't know he was stupid and thought it would be cool. His arm caught the sharp end of the dumpster and slice his arm open from the funny bone to the wrist. Blood was pooring everywhere. I had to drive him to the hospital he almost died of blood loss. Now we look back on it and laugh, plus he has a huge scar on his arm where they had to put in the 80 stitches

When I was a kid I was walking in the snow and crossed a sidewalk underneath that was covered with ice. Fell and slipped and broke my tailbone. I had to stand at a podium in the front of my classroom in school for six weeks to do my work because I could not sit down. It was horrible! :0)

3. I was jumping on a trampoline doing back-flips and I landed on my head. You can imagine how painful that was... Anyways I got a seizure but turned out to be alright. The doctor said that I was extremely lucky and that there was a chance I could have died. That was a close call, I don't jump on trampolines anymore.

I was slicing a Carrot into tiny Pieces for my Bunny rabbit and i cut straight to the bone of my finger and didnt even notice. After i noticed it hurt really bad

wow that's crazy!! =]]
ummmmm.....well I rode my bike down the steps when I was little and busted my chin open..but that is all I can think of right now..l0l!!
p.s.I just thought of another.....the other day I was laying on the ground..holding my phone up in the air..and I guess I lost my grip but I dropped it right on my noes..I THOUGHT I BROKE IT!!! But..blood came up to my mouth and my nose was verry sore!!! what a dumb accident!! haha :D

nope not really no

me, my brothers and some kids that lived in our nieborhood were ghost riding an old bike down our driveway and throwing a metal pole through the spokes to make it flip out,

well one time my bro threw it at the tire and it bounced back and hit this girl in the face right above her eye

it way sick you could see her skull

i fell up a flight of stairs split my head open on a door-frame then fell back down rushed to casualty and then went into school like 9 hours later

and i fell off a skateboard breaking my front tooth in half upstairs in a tennis club while my bro was playin in a final

im accident prone it happens

one time when i was 12 i was catching tadpoles in a small pond in a park during the summer and it had been a really hot year that year, and there was lots of algae. well, i must have had a cut or something on the back of my leg cause it got infected and the doctor said it was really rare...but it looked like a rash going all done the side of my leg and large scabs that oozed...nasty stuff, it was gross, but they gave me meds. and wrapped my leg up and it got better in a few weeks

1. When i was ten we lived in apartments. To get to the courtyard field you had to go down some steps. Of course i rode my bike down them and i split my led and shattered my knee.
2. When i was in second grade i remember going to the golf course to sled. My dad and i were standing on our sleds to get that full snowboard affect. Well he said it was my last time down the hill so i decided to sit due to my neck hurting from standing. Then i hit a patch of ice and a tree.' I sprained my back and neck and dislocated a vertebrae.

Ouch sorry to hear of your injuries!!

Sports ran into a wall and broke both wrists (one was a compound fracture, kinda neat seeing the inside of your bone), elbows messed up.
Fell rebroke on of them (the doctors say it is a broken arm and the sergeant said he can not fix it)..

Had a board fly of second story where I worked and split my head open.
Cutting fruit and the pit was rotten cutting thumb to the bone.
Some days I am afraid to go outside lol!!

When I was a toddler, I fell off the toilet and broke my nose. I try to keep this in mind when I've had a few too many drinks. It's a funny story to tell about a toddler but not so charming when you're an adult.

I was surfing once and fell off my board,the board flew and landed on my head knocking me out...nearly drowned =(

well I haven't really had any freak injuries but my friends has....

1) when she was a baby a great dane picked her up by the armpit/ ribs and started shaking her like a rag doll, she had to get 40 something stitches.

2) shut her thumb into a car door, the door got locked, she almost got her thumb taken off but she did have to get A LOT of stitches, i can't remember the exact amount.

3) (btw this happened to her mom) she was doing the race around america and so she had been training really hard, she biked EVERYWHERE like the car wasn't used for like 2 years, anyway she is a nurse. so she was biking to the hospital for another day at work and when she was about 5 more minutes away from work and she was about to cross a road a huge van things (a quest truck like the TV company van thing) RAN HER OVER and i don't mean like her leg or her arm but from toes to the top of her head. she broke way to many bones to count and her ear got torn off, and she got a concusion, she had to get more than 10 surgurees and the weird thing is that even though she was really really close to the hospital they couldn't use ambulances from that hospital for some weird reason, they had to get ambulances from the other side of town... so she had to wait about 15 minutes for an ambulance and the whole time this is happening she us still conscience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hope this is what you were looking for!!!

My toe was broken when a hunk of frozen cheese fell on it from the freezer.
It hurt! LOL
OH! even better one!
I broken my right pinky playing cards...yes playing cards.
Now my right pinky is longer than my left! LOL

my mom accidentally slammed my finger in the car door, now it is dented =]
another time i was running into the bathroom which is in my parents room. there is a wall next to in (cause it is down a mini mini hall) and i got my toes caught inbetween the edge of the wall and one slammed against broke =[

also when i was like...2 i was in the pool shower and slipped (not a good idea) and was knocked unconscious...but i woke up and i was fine =]

whn i was 8 i was playing handball and missed the ball, my hand slammed gainst my knee. and broke the pinkie finger. now it has a lumpy thing on it =[

i was working out in flip flops at my high school and dropped a 35 pound plate on my foot. all black and then nail ripped off in a game. also had a horrible bloody compound fracture in arm getting tackled. lol oh yeah and also when i was like eight i was at a sporting good store changing the weight on a machine and some kid came and lifted it and it fell and crushed my best pointer finger.

Once hit a telephone pole with my bike and my shoulder, breaking my collar bone. My brother had removed the brake pads without mentioning it to replace them for me.

Fell down some stairs carrying my dog and sprained my ankle quite seriously, three years later and its still quite painful. My dog was fine, I did not drop her, I managed to lay her down without injury. Funny thing was she was recovering from a leg operation and we both limped on our walks for six months afterward.

Two weeks ago while bringing my bike into a building my hand got crushed in a double door. I got a fracture behind my ring finger knuckle -- of my writing hand, no less! -- and busted an artery.

A few weeks ago a piece of metal fell out of the vent over my bed and scratched my cornea so badly that I had to wear an eyepatch for a month. No depth perception, couldn't drive or ride the aforementioned bike!

When I was ten we had our furniture moved out of the living room so that we could get the carpet replaced. You're always told not to play ball in the house because you'll break something. Well, there was nothing to break, so why not have a nice game of full-contact football -- with my three brothers, who are seven, eight, and nine years older than me. The only piece of furniture left in the house was our giant iguana terrarium. Which turns out to be the thing I get tackled at full-speed into. My teeth split straight through the skin above my upper lip. Two of them were knocked out (baby teeth, thankfully) and to this day I have knotted scar tissue over my mouth.

There are tons more -- way too numerous to list. I'm a walking disaster.

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