Detoxing off painkillers?!

Question: Detoxing off painkillers!?
So heres the deal!. My husband was injured a year ago and became addicted to Lortab(sp!?)!. Well, he's trying to kick them, but I've read that it can cause seizures to quit cold turkey or it can be very harmful!.

The problem is that he can't go to a rehab seeing as he is the sole provider of our family and we just had a new baby!. Im a stay at home mom and I have a part-time job that allows me to have my son with me, but it isnt big money and could never pay the bills!. There is no one that could watch him that I trust and I REFUSE to take him to a daycare!.

Any advice on how to go about this!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

The risk of seizures with detox from hydrocodone is actually quite low, especially if he has been on a post-surgical dose for only one year!. The greater risk from the physiologic dependence issues are elevations in blood pressure, nausea with possible vomiting, and pain!.

The half-life of hydrocodone is quite short (approximately 3!.8 hours)!. This means that the significant effects of detox from hydrocodone are over in a weekend!. This does not necessarily mean that he will not have a desire for the medication if there is a psychological addiction!. Psychological addiction can take longer, and is often best addressed with support, which can be found at your local Narcotics Anonymous (if you can't find it contact the Alcoholics Anonymous they normally can put you in contact)!.

If your husband has blood pressure issues, he should discuss this with his physician before stopping the medication!. Often a short-acting medication such as a low dose of clonidine can be added to help if the blood pressure elevates!.

Also, many people have problems sleeping during the initial and immediate post-detox period!. I try to use melatonin for this, as it is non-addicting and has good effect on most people!. Melatonin

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