When Scabs Are Formed After Scrape Or Cut?!

Question: When Scabs Are Formed After Scrape Or Cut!?
How come it itches soooo bad especially around the area the scab is at!? Is there anyway to control the itching without potentially pulling the scab off!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's the bacteria!. Itching means it's healing!. Just try not to touch it and put a bandaid or something over it!. Or else it'll be a scab and it'll look kind of nasty!. If it's really itchy you could try using ointment to relieve the itching or slap it once in a while without rubbing against it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

take antihistomines, or scratch 'around' the scab!. Or just forget about it, take a bath (still dont pull the scab off), or put moisturizing (!?sp) stuff on it!.
I wrecked a bike a few weeks ago, and had scrapes and cuts all over me, i've had so many scabs before, i just didnt realize the itching!. Just don't worry about it, and you will forget it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Smack it really hard!.!. that'll take the itch out!. The bacteria is making it itch because it's healing so DO NOT pick it!. Smacking it won't damage the scab, anyway!.
Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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