Sunburn help?!?!

Question: Sunburn help!?!!?
I just got back from the beach last night and I have a really bad sunburn!. It hurts extremely bad!!! Does anyone know what I can do to relive the pain and swelling!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

you can get a spray called Solcane it s sold at most all drugstores!. It is for sunburns it has aloe and it is so soothing!.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if you use sunblock it is still gonna get you! This is a aloe spray and it also cools the burn!. Plus when you start to heal it will help with the itchWww@Answer-Health@Com

aloe vera gel helps alot, you can get it in bottles at the drug store, and it cools your skin, and prevents it from peeling!. I also reccomend using a sunscreen next time, because burns are really bad for your skin, you gotta be careful when you are at the beach, lot's of sunscreen, a hat and drink lot's of water!. Also while you are healing from your burn, dont take hot showers, that will intensify the pain, just take luke warm baths, and use lot's of aloe! Feel better soon, and be careful next time!Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you think it might be sun poising get to a doctor right away!.Other wise you could get some alcohol and
rub some one and sit in front a fan !. Along with taking a cool bath and putting on some lotion !.[coco butter] It takes sometime to get rid of the heat !. But there 's not much Moor you can do !. Take care and be careful the next time you go out !. A little some times can go along way !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When I lived in Texas we would skin an aloe vera plant to place the skins and oils from the plant onto our skin!. It worked for me overnight!. I peeled the next day!. It helped tremendously instead of the products bought in the grocery store!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

at publix there is sunburn lotion you put on that soothes it, and take cold BATHS!. not showers!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

-cold showers/baths
-aloe vera should help cool it down
hope it gets betterWww@Answer-Health@Com

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