A vitamin that lubricates joint and loosens stiffness?!

Question: A vitamin that lubricates joint and loosens stiffness!?
i have very tight back muscles and spasms and many prescriptions that dont work so anyone here know of anything!?thanks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I heard fish oil can do it!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The number one deficiency in America is dehydration!. So I would first start by making sure you are properly hydrated!. This means the adequate water and electrolytes and not from junk like the bottled sugar waters that are supposed to hydrate you!.

Take your total body weight and divide by 2!. That number is the amount of water in ounces that you need to drink each and everyday!. Along with that, you should consume 1/4 teaspoon of "air dried sea salt" in conjunction with each quart of water you drink!. This puts the electrolytes in your body that will give you proper hydration!. If you drink ANY diuretic drinks like, sodas, coffee, tea, alcohol, commercially prepared fruit drinks, energy drinks, etc!., these all dehydrate you and you will need to add more water to the total to compensate for the water loss due to these diuretic drinks!. Take the total ounces of the diuretic drinks and multiply by 1!.5 and add that total to the original total to come up with the proper amount of water you need to drink each day!.

The next thing to look at is the pH of your stomach after eating!. If it is not low enough (between 1!.5 and 3!.0), you will not be digesting your calcium / magnesium / zinc properly!. Calcium deficiencies will create muscle aches because calcium is responsible for muscle contraction and relaxation!. A simple way of determining if this may be the cause, just get a blood pressure device and put the cuff around the center of your leg calf muscle!. Pump up the device slowly and when you first feel a charlie horse coming on, record the pressure!. If you cannot get to 240 psi, you have a deficiency!. Now you need to determine if it is diet or a cofactor that is keeping you from utilizing the calcium!.

Of course, you can always go see a Certified Nutritional Therapist and they can test you for exactly what you are deficient in and test for the exact dosages of what will work for you!. They can also recommend good diets that will keep you healthy!.

good luck to youWww@Answer-Health@Com

I used to wake up in the morning and feel a sharp pain like a knife going through the middle of my right foot when I started to walk!. Soon I began to feel it more frequently!. I added some cushioning to my shoe, and consulted with an orthopedic doctor that found my foot x-ray normal, thank goodness, but the pain persisted!. I also found that one of my knees got stiff and sore whenever I sat at the computer for very long!.

About six months later a friend told me had been told that a persistent pain in his back required surgery, but that after taking a new nutritional product for three months, his back pain had diminished to the point that he felt normal again!. So I decided to try it for my foot pain!.

Three months after starting to take the supplements, the pain in my foot went away!. My knee no longer ached after using the computer!. My shoulder no longer ached after playing racquet sports!.

Email me if you would like particulars!.

Regards, TerryO
"No more sore joints for me!."Www@Answer-Health@Com

for joints and ligaments my chiropractor put me on glucosamine!. its good stuff!. you can buy it over the counter at walmart and some other places!. its also a key ingredient to many of the things that provide relief for joints!. you may have a pinched nerve!.!.!.last summer i had one!. i ended up missing work for three weeks because of it!. every time i walked it would have a spasm and boy did it ever hurt! it took time to rest and no lifting!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi, answer guy here! :)

I like to use WD40 as it lubricates my whole existence! Plus it is full of good, vital stuff!.!.!.

love always,
Answer manWww@Answer-Health@Com

Glucosamine Chondroitin ! GNC has itWww@Answer-Health@Com

Think you and me need the same thing!. Grease nipples in our joints would do wonders!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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