Really bad sunburn??!

Question: Really bad sunburn!?!?
help!.!.!.!.i just got really bad sunburn these past 2 days!.!.!.i usually get tan so this is like the 2nd time in my life where i got sunburn!.!.!.!.its all on my upper arms and i cant even lift them up without stinging!.!.!.and i could barley get dressed this morning without crying cause it hurt soo badly!.!.!.i never experiance this pain be4!.!.!.!.how do i make the sunburn not hurt or sting!?!?!?!?

PLEASE HELPWww@Answer-Health@Com

that stinks- sorry to hear you are going through that pain!. I actually have a sunburn right now too- but it is not as bad as yours!. My advice is to moisturize like crazy- put aloe, cocoa butter, really any type of mosturizer will do- you want to try and prevent peeling- plus your skin will feel better after putting some moisture back into it- a sunburn is basically a burn so the moisture is lacking and thats why it will peel from being burnt and dry (yeah I know it sounds gross but true)

Also, take a pain reliever like Motrin (anything with IBprofen as the main ingredient) it will help with pain and inflammation !. Your skin will get better in a few days- it stinks that you have to deal with this- but just remember try to moisturize as much as possible and avoid any hot showers or sun on your affected areas!. everyone gets a nasty sunburn at some point and at least you still have the rest of the summer to recoup-Www@Answer-Health@Com

Oh, poor thing, I'm sorry!.

You need to go to a Walgreens (or someplace similar) and by some Aloe gel or a creme that treats burns!. Also, soak yourself in a nice cool bath and put cool wet rags on your arms to soothe yout skin!.

Also, keep your skin moisturized by putting on lotion constantly!. You don't want your skin to be dry and to peel, that makes the pain worse!.

Take Ibuprofen or another type of painkiller!. Make sure it has Ibuprofen in it as one of the main ingredients!.

And keep those areas you burned out of the sun!

Hope you feel better!


Poor you the best thing to do is keep the area moisturized!. an old fashioned remedy is to put cold tea bags on the burns it does help as I have used them in the past!. (Use the tea bags to make a cup of tea or let them soak in boiling water for a few minutes then let cool and put them on the burnt areas) I know it sounds mad but did help me I have fair skin and burn very easily!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Aloe always works because I burn really easliy and I found that rubbing the Aloe gel into said location is good don't just let it sitWww@Answer-Health@Com

I'd advise you to get aloe gel and apply to the burned areas daily!. This will soothe the burn for a while!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

use a pain reliever spray then let it sry then rub pure aloe lotion on it!.
goodluck and feel better =] <3333Www@Answer-Health@Com

saturate your skin with aloe gel, buy the good stuff!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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