Suddenly not sleeping?!

Question: Suddenly not sleeping!?
for the past week i'm suddenly not sleeping!. at first i thought it was allergies so i started taking zyrtec at night!. within about 30 minutes it knocks me out but then i start waking up every 30-45 minutes all night long (hasnt helped my allergies either, but no allergy med has ever)!. i took a simply sleep one night, which usually knocks me out cold, and the same thing happened with that too!. i've tried going to bed earlier/later, no help!. i'm beyond exhauseted now!. i just want to take a nap but i cant (work then directly to school)!. i've completely cut out caffiene thinking that maybe i had a soda too late at night (4pm, not late, but who knows)!. nope!. i'm not eating any later than usual, i'm not exercising late at night (i know that some people cant sleep after that)!.!.!. nothing is different other than not staying asleep!.

i'm so tired!.!.!.!. ideas!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

what is on your mind!? is something bothering you!? you can go to the doctor explain your problem, and get meds!. but it sounds like you are stressed out!. does music calm you!? you might try listening to music while you sleep,to take your mind off the problem,the more you think about not sleeping, the more you can't sleep!. or you can go to the health food store,and they natural remedies to help you sleep,ie, valerian root!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

set a solid reutine and stick to it!. liek bed at 10 wake at 7 or whatever, the 1st few nights will be rough, btu soon your body will get the picture!.

Try this too,
Once yor laying in bed, lay on your back!. think abotu relaxign your forehead, take a deep breath, relax your ears, take a deep breath!. and keep goign down until your whole body has been relaxed, then roll over into your comfy position AND DONT MOVE if you can help it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try not to sleep in the during the day keep your bedtime having it around 10 to 11 and be active during the day it helps you sleep because your body is physically tired hope my advice helps youWww@Answer-Health@Com

if you exercise earlier in the day it actually helps you sleep better at night, but maybe try some herbal teas before bed, they have ones in the grocery store that are sleeptime teas that are decaffienated!. Anything been on your mind lately!?!?!? that's usually what will keep me up!.!.!.if that's the case, try to make a plan before you go to bed (like a few hours before) of how you are going to handle things and write it down!. Then forget about it for the rest of the night!.!.!.watching tv before bed keeps some people up!.!.maybe try reading a book!.!.a really boring one that'll put you out! (i have an accounting book i can send you, haha)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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