Could my little toe be broken?!

Question: Could my little toe be broken!?
When I was on vacation about a month and a half ago I hit my little toe on my luggage really hard and it hurt so bad!. Now it still hurts when I move it!. Would I be able to move it if it was broken!? Or could I have cracked it or something!? It's weird that it still hurts!. Will it heal on its own!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You could have sprained your toe really badly but you could have also broken or cracked it!. It really doesn't matter because there is nothing to be done for it!. If it hurts really badly so that you can't walk tape it to the next toe which will give it support and act as a splint!. It will heal on its own!. My brother who rode a motorcycle was always breaking his toes and he stopped going to the doctor because there is nothing to be done!. They just say it heals on its own and to tape it!.
Unless you are in agony and can't walk it would be a waste
of time and money to go to the doctor!. That is my opinion
anyway!. Good Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It could be broke for sure and yes you can move broken bones!.!.!.toes heal on there own, just tape it with some gauze to soften/protect it!.!.!.tape it with the next toe!.!.!.!.they should heal in like4 to 6 weeks though so i'm surprised it still hurts!.!.!.you must keep hitting it!? Wrap it and tape it!.!.!.good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

I did this to my pinky finger once it took 3 months for the pain to go away!. I jammed my finger maybe that is what you did!. Mine healed on its own!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

mine healed on its on when I broke it!. But i would advise u to go to a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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