How to heal a sprained foot faster ?!

Question: How to heal a sprained foot faster !?
idk for sure if i have a sprined foot !.
But I was skating today and tried to ollie three decks , i got over them but i landed on my left foot and i cant even walk on it , it only hurts really bad if i put pressure on it !.
I have been putting ice on it and resting it on pillows !.
any suggestions on how to make it heal faster !?Www@Answer-Health@Com

the best way to make a sprain heal faster is to -
-Rest the foot
-Apply ice to bring out the bruising and get rid of the swelling
-Apply compression to the ankle so it feels secure and compact
- Raise your foot like you have been doing on pillows

I wouldnt risk using it soon, try waiting atleast a week before doing anything too riskyWww@Answer-Health@Com

I have the same problem right now!. I hurt myself on a scooter and sprained my ankle!. Put ice on it and DON'T skate for about 1 week or 2 weeks!. This way it heals full because if you dont let it heal and skate again you will be bothering it and it wont ever heal!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The body heals in it;s own time, but you will have to rest it, ice it, and take things slow!. Muscles and ligaments can be tricky if you try and push it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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