How come my stomach hurts on vacations?!

Question: How come my stomach hurts on vacations!?
Okay so for as long as i can remember, i always get a stomach ache on a vacation!. Any vacation i go on, i get a stomach ache and my whole trip gets ruined!. Its usually the come and go type of stomach ache and im going to Lake George soon and i wanna know how to prevent it so for once i can acutally enjoy it!. Anyone know what the problem is/ what i can do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

A lot of people get constipated when their routine changes or they are away from home!. Constipation can cause stomach pains!.
Also, you may have anxiety about the trip for various reasons!. Try to relax and enjoy yourself!.
Another issue is food!. On vacation we tend to eat a lot of different foods, or eat in excess!. This may also interact with any anxiety!.
Overall, I think being comfortable with your surroundings is the best way to remedy the situation!. How to go about doing that is another issue, however!. Think about what calms you down and makes you comfortable, and work on that throughout your vacation!. Also, try not to assume you will get a stomach ache- assuming/worrying can cause the pain in the first place!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Usually the water from different places can do that!. Try drinking just bottled water and try not to have any ice too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

relax you are stressing and simply enjoy the days as they comeWww@Answer-Health@Com

to much exitment!!calm down!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

could be your nerves from the traveling!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try and relax, drink bottled water, bring some tums, and watch what your eating!. Have fun!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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