Which asanas of yoga are good for muscle strengthening of arms?!

Question: Which asanas of yoga are good for muscle strengthening of arms!?
or weight training is more better Www@Answer-Health@Com

Greetings Banjaran!

Of course weight training will build muscle strength in the arms because strengthening muscle is the primary purpose of weight training!. However, yogasana will build strength in the arms as well as sculpting and toning them!. It is not necessary to lift weights when one practices a well rounded hatha yoga program, but an intelligently designed weight training can compliment hatha yoga!. Building a bulky, weight training induced, muscle laden, hard body must be discouraged in yoga because it is counter productive for relaxed therapeutic yogasana!. This can also be said for pranayama because the muscles involved in breathing are often restricted in a tense muscular body!. Therefore, that said, obsessive weight training is contrary to yogic principles, but a well planned, moderate weight training program can be beneficial or complimentary providing the practitioner exercises with awareness avoiding undue tension!. Weight training must never increase muscular/skeletal tension and inhibit flexibility for the yoga practitioner!.

There are many asanas which strengthen and tone the arms and I will present a few that can be focused on!. Of primary importance is the classical surya namaskara (sun salutation) series because of the ashtanga (eight points with knees, chest and chin simultaneously touching the floor) into bhujangasana (cobra) into downward dog component of the series!. The ashtanga asana strengthens and tones the arms, chest and shoulders while moving from cobra into downward dog does the same!. The surya namaskara series is highly relevant and increases vitality by purifying all glands and organs, conditioning and toning the entire system and body functions!. Downward dog (adhomukhasvana) strenghtens and tones the arms, upperback and shoulders!. Practicing santolasana (plank pose and side plank pose) is highly effective for upper body (arms included), core and low back strength as is dolphin pose, which is a prerequisite for sirhasana (head stand)!. Generally, all arm balancing postures are effective for toning and strength in the arms, as well as the shoulders, back and core!. An example of an arm balance asana is the crane pose (bakasana), which will cultivate arm strength!.

In closing, one need not lift weights to develop strong, toned, sculpted, supple arms! There are many methods in yogasana and I have presented just a few!

Hari Om Tat SatWww@Answer-Health@Com

Okay, there are really many asanas for stronger muscles!.
You can combine yoga with weight training if you want!. But, yoga has more benefits than just the weight training advantages!. I recommend you to check this free yoga e-course to discover more about yoga exercises for your body shape:

All the bestWww@Answer-Health@Com


rhwyogi gave an excellent answer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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