How do I go from a graveyard sleep schedule to a normal one?!

Question: How do I go from a graveyard sleep schedule to a normal one!?
I've worked graveyard for about 16 months, and I'm really used to it by now, Its a rare occasion when I can fall asleep before three am on my days off!. Problem is, I've quit that job and now instead of being able to go to bed at 6 am, I actually will need to start getting up at 6 am in about ten days!. Any advice to make the change as easy as possible!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was in the same situation and it's tricky and it sucks to do! I was on graveyards for 4 years, I feel your pain!.
Go to bed when you feel tired, but set your alarm for about 6 hours after, so if you go to bed at 3 set it for 9 am, hopefully that night you'll be able to go to sleep before 3!. If you're not tired, just try laying down earlier anyway, like 1:30 or 2, and get up earlier the next day!. So try getting up at like 8 or something!. Or set it for a couple hours less than you usually sleep, so if you only sleep for 6 hours usually, get up 4-5 hours after you go to bed!. Keep it up and you'll be a day person in no time!
Keep yourself busy during the day, go to the mall or find someone who's awake and not busy, even if you get plenty of sleep it's tough to stay awake during the day just because you're not used to it! Www@Answer-Health@Com

its just like having jet lag!. Ever had jet lag!? You've just got to persevere!. The thing is, you need to adjust your body clock!. Start going to bed as normal i!.e!. 10pm and just try and sleep!. Try and stick to bedtime at 10pm!. You've got 10 days so it should be enough time!. You could take a sleeping aid and you may sleep, but you'll still feel drowsy and away with the fairies until your body clock has adjusted!. But it will within the week!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Advance your bedtime by an hour per day, or if you really want to push it, stay awake for 36 hrs!. Yes its possible but don't drive or make any serious decisions during the last several hours!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Perhaps just one time try taking a sleep aid!? I would try taking it two hours before you wish to go to bed!. Just make sure you allow yourself atleast 8 hours of sleepWww@Answer-Health@Com

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