Just got a killer burn...help!?!

Question: Just got a killer burn!.!.!.help!!?
It's tiny, really it is, but it's a swollen whiteish blister on my pointer finger (not the finger I'm writing with, smart one!) but it KILLS!. Is there anything I can do to make it feel better!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You've burned the ends of your nerve transmitters!.!.!. OUCH!.

Keep it UNDER the ice!.!.!. that's all you can do for now!.!.!. Don't put ice on it!.!.!. that's a sure prescription for frostbite!.!.!. makes matters worse!. Sounds like you have a 2nd degree burn (blistering)!.!.!. pretty nasty stuff!.

Sorry, I feel your pain (I burned my face and neck years ago in an explosion)!.!.!. had to scrub my face and neck for weeks until it healed!.!.!. second degree too!. My nostrils still bleed in the winter because I couldn't scrub where the fire went into my nostrils!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ice can make the burn worse!. Your flesh is going from very hot to very cold very quickly if you put ice on it, and that can cause tissue damage!.
Run cool --not cold-- water over the burn for a minimum of 10 minutes!. If it still hurts in a burning way after 10 minutes, continue running water over it until the burning stops!.
Do not put anything greasy or oily on the burn as that will trap the heat and make the burn worse!.
Do not use toothpaste, or mustard, or any other home remedies!.
Water only!.
If you have any first aid creams made specifically for burns, you can use that!.
Lightly bandage the burn with nonstick gauze when you've finished cooling it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Cover it and keep the air from it!. Air makes a burn really burn more!. Keep it covered!. Don't put anything greasy on it!. I use a baking soda paste (just baking soda and a few drops of water) it keeps the burn cool like it is under the water but then while it is still wet I wrap it up completely to keep the air out!. The paste will dry and fall out but that's ok!. It keeps the layers of skin under the burn from burning!. My grandma used this remedy all her life and I raised my kids and grand kids using the same remedy!. It works good for bee stings also to take the sting out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

OW! I know what that's like!.

That's a second-degree burn!. There's nothing to do but let it heal by itself!. You can get ointment that will kill some of the pain!. It hurts the most the first day or two, after that it will just be really sensitive!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Some times ice can actually make the pain worse, especially when the ice is removed!. Try some Aloe and a couple IB's for the painWww@Answer-Health@Com

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