Cant sleep cuz i cant really breath?!

Question: Cant sleep cuz i cant really breath!?
hello i recently have this allergies or cold but i think its allergies!. running nose and sore throat!. when try i go to sleep i feel like its hard for me to breath!. it feels like someone is sitting on my chest!. and when i sit up i was kind ok but now i feel like its hard for me to breath!. maybe cuz sore throat!.i also coughing lot!. making deep breath or not i cough!. when i inhale its kinda hard for me to inhale!. my room is kind of cold!. also my throat itches and sometime my ears too!.!.

i just wan to know if anyone had this kind of symptoms before!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to go to the doctor or a clinic!. If you are having difficulty breathing when you lie down but not as much when you are upright and there is pressure in you chest you probably have more than allergies (maybe the flu or pneumonia!.!.!. this is a symptom of lung congestion)!. If you are not where you can go this evening, then keep the room as cool (it is easier to breath cool air) and sleep propped high on pillows or recline to upright in a chair!. Sip on water to stay hydrated and to thin any secretion so cough them up is easier!.

If you feel clogged up in your sinuses, then you can flush them with a netti pot (can be purchased at a drugstore), or sit for about 10-15 minutes in a steamy bathroom, or CAREFULLY hold your head over a pot of steaming water with towel over your head!. This will only help if it is congested sinuses!.

Home remedy to treat a sore throat!.!.!.!. a spoon of honey, or mix a little honey with a few peppermints and a little whiskey (place in a jar until the peppermint melts, store in refrigerator !.!.!.!. you can take a tablespoon every few hours)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, not knowing your age, or health history I can only guess!. But anytime you have trouble laying flat, and feel like someone is sitting on your chest, there is a chance it is congestive heart failure (CHF)!. Adding pillows, feeling like you are smothering, a wet cough or having to sit up are common complaints with CHF!.
Have you gained any weight lately!? Do you feel like your smothering when you lay flat!? Are your feet or hand swollen!?
If not CHF, it could be pneumonia!. The symptoms you describe i!.e!. "someone sitting on my chest" and "it's hard to breathe" are concerning!. You need to be seen by a doctor for a thorough exam, as soon as possible!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You might have a strap throat when I had it my throat was sore stuffy nose and my hears felt plugged with like stuff!. take advilWww@Answer-Health@Com

See a dr!. It could be pleurisy or bronchitis!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes i did!.!.!.i went to the hospital!.!.i was put on medicine!.!.go to the doctor!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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