Blood pressure is 152/56. wow high pulse pressure. help?!

Question: Blood pressure is 152/56!. wow high pulse pressure!. help!?
At times it settles out to around 135/65 and such yet primarily is around those levels!. I am a 20 year old male, fairly good shape, pretty active, eat very healthy!. I believe my bp has been that way for a long time now, I take no medications!. Most the doctors I think pass it up as they primarily do a quick check and focus on systolic!.

I definitely have multitudes of symptoms, yet it could definitely be from the other issues I have or in a way or all related to this!.

Anyway, so as not to get into further details!.

What issues can high pulse pressure such as mine cause physically/mentally!? and/or what can cause high pulse pressure(therefore the issues from that would answer my question as well)


High blood pressure or hypertension is known as the silent killer!. It can cause arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, aneurysm, coronary artery disease (CAD), enlarged left heart, heart failure, heart attack, transient ischemic attack (TIA), stroke, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, kidney failure, kidney scarring, kidney artery aneurysm, eye blood vessel damage, fluid build up under the retina, nerve damage, sexual dysfunction, bone loss, and trouble sleeping!. Hypertension is typically a chronic disease that causes damage over the years but occasionally the blood pressure can spike so quickly and severely that it constitutes a medical emergency which requires immediate treatment!. When this occurs it can cause brain dysfunction marked by memory loss, personality changes, trouble concentrating, lethargy or encephalopathy, stroke, aortic dissection, eclampsia (pregnant women), angina, heart attack, pulmonary edema, and acute renal failure!. In most cases these emergencies arise because the hypertension has not been controlled properly!. All of these problems can be avoided if you control your blood pressure!.

Now, you say your BP is not always elevated - that's not so abnormal for a young person!. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be concerned but it's normal for BP to fluctuate!. If your systolic is usually between 135 and 115 (try taking it manually instead of with an automatic pump, it's more accurate and you wont get odd numbered readings) than you shouldn't worry about it, it's descent although you should shoot for 120 to 90, it's when it gets higher than that and stays higher that you should really be concerned!. Your diastolic pressure is low, 56 is low!. What is it usually!? Normal diastolic is 80, between 80 and 60 is fine, anything under 60 is bad!.

Your pulse or heart rate (HR) is a little on the low side but shouldn't really be of concern, normal pulse for a 20 year old is between 60 and 100!. HR of 58 is considered bradycardia but again not really concerning unless it's causing you problems such as syncope (fainting), dizziness, lightheadedness, chest pain or shortness of breath!. Some things that can cause bradycardia include medications, cardiac history, prior illnesses or toxic exposure (link at the bottom for more info)!.

I would say you have borderline hypertension which is basically slightly elevated blood pressure, sometimes higher than 140/90 mm HG and sometimes lower, basically fluctuating BP!. You suggest that you have other medical issues so I can't really tell you what is causing your hypertension, but I would recommend you see your doctor about it, get him to actually fully check you out, be patient but persistent, untreated hypertension can have SERIOUS consequences!. Get it checked out, the sooner the better!.

There are way too many causes of hypertension I put a link below for more info!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

My dad has high bp!.!.I know its dangerous and you must get it controlled asap!.!.see a doc!.
Good LUckWww@Answer-Health@Com

You need to see a Dr!. and get it under control!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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