Too tired, afraid for my health?!

Question: Too tired, afraid for my health!?
1!. Eat a balanced meal 3 times a day with snacks!.
2!. Excercise does help but if you're past the point of no return than it won't help!.
3!. Sleep: You have been studying for a while!. 2 and a half MONTHS! Take ONE day just one day!. Get into bed and GO TO SLEEP ALL DAY and sleep through the night get up the next day and study on a schedule!. Tell yourself when your going to start and when your going to stop don't just go go go because it will waear you out in the long run and you won't do well on the examsWww@Answer-Health@Com

Aerobic exercise for at least a 1/2 hour per day can help immensely!. One way to do this is to take a couple of 15 minutes breaks and go outside and walk briskly!. The breaks can actually help with the studying because they give you time to thing about the material by reviewing it your head while exercising!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your body needs the proper amount of sleep for you to function properly!. You are putting your health at risk by pushing yourself too hard!. Back off and get more sleep!. If you are pushing that hard to keep up with classes you might need to drop a class!. The body can just take so much, and then you'll start getting sick!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try an energy drink like vitamin water or a red bull!. maybe you should try organizing your work time/sleep time more carefully!. have a plan that includes when you can sleep and when you should be studying!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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