My head hurts when I masturbate?!

Question: My head hurts when I masturbate?
Hi, I'm 15 and I masturbate everyday, so yes, I have an addiction. After I reach orgasm my head will hurt, near the back of my skull and my heart beats really fast and hard. I'm always tired and I need caffeine to boost up my system.

This is also really odd....When I masturbate I look really ugly....Possibly because I am always tired....So then I did a test and tried not to masturbate for as long as I could go (11 days) and I looked pretty handsome, girls started noticing me, and talked to me....

I simply don't get it....People masturbate frequently and they look normal.... Is it a cardiovascular issue? The reason I ask is because I've been participating in many physical activities when I was younger, and every time I masturbate I would feel and look normal. But now I'm a couch potato and too lazy to start working out....Ever since I stopped working out I've gained a lot of weight, lost my confidence, bad appearance, etc....I believe I should start working out and that should help me, but I don't have any motivation...Every time I think badly of myself, I'll go back to playing video games, watching television, masturbating, being depressed....

I doubt any of you would know the answer to this but it's really odd and I would like to see some comments

Thanks in advance


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Your headaches are caused by tight neck muscles. When the neck muscles are tight they will also cause you to have a reduced blood flow to the brain which will result in a lowered oxygen level. You will know when you have that lowered oxygen level when you feel very tired. If the oxygen level drops more you will get dizzy, light headed, and more you pass out. Freeing up your neck muscles will give you an increased blood flow to the brain again as well as get rid of your headaches and between those two things you should start to get a feeling that you want to go on and get yourself back into shape. Here's how to free up your neck muscles to get rid of those problems for you:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your neck. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. When your fingers and thumb touch, about two minutes, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

You're not getting enough fluids, you need to drink more water, that should fix it.(might take a couple of times, because your fluid regulation needs to start-up).

Next time you masterbate, get all cleaned up and look your best,then take some aspirin see if that works.

Start working out again! Lose the weight, video games, and tv.

take a painkiller before you that way you will avoid a headache

There is time and need for careful reflection on the causes of fatigue. The most common situation was once termed "the tired housewife syndrome." Many young and middle aged women come to the doctor's office complaining of fatigue and requesting tests for anemia or thyroid problems. Many adult women are mildly iron deficient, and thyroid problems may cause fatigue, but it is very unusual for one of these conditions to be the cause of fatigue. In most cases, fatigue is more closely related to boredom, unhappiness, some disappointment, or just plain hard work. The person should consider these possibilities before consulting the doctor.

To rule out the unlikely possibility of a brain tumor or aneurysm, which can cause headaches during certain types of exertion, such as coughing, bending over, straining during a bowel movement, or having sex. More likely, though, your headaches reflect muscle tension or vascular changes that occur as orgasm nears.
"Benign sex headache," as it's called, most often strikes when the victim is tired, under stress, or having repeated intercourse. Some people first notice a dull ache at the back of the head.
I hope this helps you. And good luck.

your answer is right here in what you say about yourself,
amazing that people know that they are all full of **** but still sit on the couch. "But now I'm a couch potato and too lazy to start working out....Ever since I stopped working out I've gained a lot of weight, lost my confidence, bad appearance, etc....I believe I should start working out and that should help me, but I don't have any motivation...Every time I think badly of myself, I'll go back to playing video games, watching television, masturbating, being depressed"
the UGLY is from inside get active in other ways. this has nothing to do with masturbation

You are dealing with two things.
1 Bio-mechanical, blood in penis means less blood in head. That's where the headache comes from. Raising your water intake could well help.
2 Depression, masturbation does not change your looks and does not make you ugly. Exercise will help with the depression but you may need more help. Depression is treatable. Talk to your parents about the depression, (you can leave out the masturbation) or talk to someone at school or another adult you trust. You can also call the Boys Town hot line 1-800-448-3000. They understand and can help.

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