How bad is my blood pressure?!

Question: How bad is my blood pressure?
ok so it's 146/96. im not big or anything and i work out. im 5'11" and weigh 140. for someone who is really skinny, how bad is my blood pressure?


Holy ****!!!!! You need to be on blood pressure meds and you seriously need to consume less salt. Your blood pressure is way too high. It should never go over 130. Mine actually never really goes over 100. Your blood pressure could be hereditary and have nothing to do with how much you weigh.

bad blood pressure is no longer a problem I have, I started taking a natural supplement and within two weeks i seen an Improvment, I dont know if it will help in your case but its wortha try

Your resting BP is too high as it is above 140/90.

Reducing your salt intake would help and also plenty of exercise would help.

Its a bit higher than normal but its alright as long as you work out. You're very active that means which is a good thing. If it raises any higher go to your doctor maybe its not that good.

According to google your blood pressure is normal.

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