My knee popped?!


My knee popped?

sprained my knee kind of bad a few months ago.It popped and I could barely move it. I could hear and feel it pop and I could barely move it after. I also couldn't straiten it out completley without severe pain, I also couldn't move it to the side without severe pain. I didn't go to the doctor but I probably should have because thats what my health textbook said. I'm also 14 years old and the entire day at school I was walking on my tiptoes and limping around. I probably should have used crutches but I didn't. The thing is, now occasionally I will be moving my knee and It will pop, than it will go back but I will limp after that because of the pain than it will stop hurting. I had sprained my wrist and I was trying to be careful when I got on the bleachers and I turned and my knee popped and it hurt extremely bad
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0 seconds ago
It hurt so bad that I almost cried and I couldn't talk for a minute because I was in so much pain. Should I be going to the doctor and will they have me stay off of it so that it will heal correctly, like will I be on crutches and have a brace, long or short leg cast, or will they do nothing. I think that the reason it is popping is because it never really healed correctly. I hurt it because when I was getting into my bed I twisted suddenly and my knee just popped

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3 weeks ago
Also last night I was walking in the hall and I felt my knee slightly move and it hurt. It than went away but I think my knee may be getting worse. I also have volleyball in the fall for school and I dont want to have an injury mid season because My knee didnt heal correctly, and the same goes for my summer camp too


Hi Diva,

I saw your posting, and I don't have very good news for you. You need to get to a Sports Medicine orthopod immediately. It sounds as if you tore your ACL, and possibly some other ligaments. For sure it's the ACL, and that is the pop that you heard. The only way to fix an ACL is reconstruction. You won't be able to play volleyball and the other sports that you like to do without having this done. You will be fine for volleyball if you take care of this immediately. You are out of school so this is the time to do it. You may have to see your primary first..don't know what your insurance requires. Where do you live? You want to go to a Sports Medicine orthopod for sure. Not just an orthopedic surgeon. I am a skier and had my ACL fixed a long time ago. This is a very common injury with skiers. It's also very common with volleyball players, soccer, basketball. Any sport with quick lateral movement. The good news is that you are young and your rehab will go quickly. You will be going to a physical therapist post surgery. Do not wait any longer because you can risk further injury if you don't take care of this right now. You can contact me back and I will give you an email address that you can respond to, and then I will give you my regular email address from that one. Yes, you will be on crutches and you will have a brace post surgery. They will probably give you some kind of brace immediately so you don't rish further injury. You want to schedule the procedure with your doctor right away. He will send you for an MRI so he can see exactly what is going on in there. Please don't wait on this. You also may have torn the cartilege and that will all show up on the MRI. It will all be fixed, but you have to start by going to the doctor. Tell your primary you need to see a Sports Medicine orthopod. Don't worry, your knee will be as good as new. But please next time that you have an injury..don't just sit around and wait to see if it goes away. Your health textbook was correct. Did you tell your parents? The pain from an ACL injury will go away by itself, but the ligament is still torn. The pain sounds as if it's from a piece of cartilage that you tore, and it's floating around in there. Call your doctor NOW please!


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