Irritated piercing?!


Irritated piercing?

out of boredom, i pierced my hip/stomach with a safety pin. yes, its stupid. but now i have to worry about infection. i cleaned the safety pin with alcohol. and also cleaned the area i was piercing. i used bactine afterwards. it hurts soo bad right now - i can hardly touch it. what should i do to make sure that won't be an infection later on? i will most likely take it out once the pain stops. please help!


Your body is rejecting it and telling you to take it out!

I would get a friend if you can't do it yourself, to remove it. Fast and quickly. As you bite down on a pillow. It's going to hurt initially but that will soon subside.

It's a good thing you steralised it first or infection would have set in by now.

Once you have removed it, get some alchohol swabs and clean the area. This will cause the bacteria that naturally occurs on the skin to die. Then just keep an eye on it.
It will hurt for a little while as the body has reacted to it. If you start to show signs of infection such as increased pain and redness, discharge or fever go straight to your Doctor.

I used to do silly things like this when I was bored in school.

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