


Okay, I have been at the pool 3 days this week and the sunscreen I had didn't work too well, I have VERY BAD sunburn! Any tips to help relieve it or anything I can do to prevent it from blistering or peeling or help it turn into a tan faster? Please make these tips something that I can use from home as soon as possible, I don't have time to run to the store and buy anything. Thanks so much! Please help soon!


I don't know whether you will have this at home or not, but the best thing to use is aloe vera gel. I like to use the ones with lidocaine in it because it helps to relieve the pain. You can also take some tylenol or ibuprofen to help with the pain. Put the aloe on several times a day and try to avoid wearing anything that will irritate your sunburned skin. And make sure you don't scratch it even if it itches (which it probably will.) For example, if you have a large T-shirt and you are staying home just wear that. If your sunburn is really bad and starts to blister a lot you may need to see a doctor because you could have sun poisoning. Also, try to stay out of the sun until your sunburn is healed. I would suggest buying some new sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and make sure you reapply it every hour or so. And keep in mind that all a tan really is is skin damage, so if you are laying out tanning all the time you will regret it when you get older because your skin will look older faster.

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