My 3 fingers have been numb for weeks now! What's wrong?!


My 3 fingers have been numb for weeks now! What's wrong?

Hey guys,
I'm in the army and during one of my field camps i had to dig a shellscrape, basically a pit about knee deep to lie in. I dug the pit with what could be described as a small hoe.

After that incident my 3 of my fingers on my master hand, my thumb, the index and the middle finger have been numb. It was swollen and numb, and when pressure was applied to it, felt like it was gonna explode.

However, the numbness subsided as well as the "exploding feeling", but until now i still feel a sensation of numbness and a feeling of pins and needles. This has affected my ability to sense things when my hands, you know to discern things e.g say digging in a pocket and all and its really troublesome.

Its been about 6 weeks now since the digging, could anyone kindly give me advice? Any would be appreciated. Thank you!


From what I know about the hand, it sounds like you probably have a pinched nerve, which is making it so that signals from your hand (or, the ability to feel) cannot travel up your arm. This would explain the symptoms that you are experiencing.
If you can, make sure to go to a doctor, who will probably recommend some type of physical therapy for your hand. Until then, don't worry. Your hand is not in any danger, and any damage done by the digging can be reversed.
Good luck in the army!

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