Does this sound like an elbow strain?!


Does this sound like an elbow strain?

I've never strained my elbow before but I think I did's embarrassing, but when I was riding in the back of a car to go camping, I arm wrestled my girlfriend on top of a cooler that was between us, and I was at a weird angle and going up, and it really, really was hurting my elbow but I didn't want to show signs of weakness (I can't lose to my girlfriend) so I just pushed myself and beat her (I always beat her easily but this was because my elbow was twisted or something).

So anyway, my elbow really hurt badly after was very sore for the rest of the day, and even picking up a bottle of water with that arm was difficult because of how weak my elbow was.

The next day it went away almost completely...It didn't feel sore or anything. But it keeps coming back if I do something with that arm - I lifted through the pain at the gym doing curls, and earlier today I was tossing a football around with a friend and after, it KILLED, I was in great pain.

Additional Details

4 weeks ago
Also, it seems like it is an intense pain for a few hours, it feels very sore and bothers me most when I'm not even using it...and then it goes away. Like right now, it feels fine, I can bend it and everything, just like normal. But if I do something like lift weights or throw a ball, it will come back and hurt badly again for another few hours.

What do you think happened, did I just strain my elbow? And is there anything I can do for it? I can't stop lifting at the gym so I'm just going to have to fight through the pain while it lasts, but I want it to go away.

4 weeks ago
And one other detail...when I was doing cable bicep curls at the gym, the elbow would hurt badly and it would be very hard for me to do my first rep...but then the reps after that got easier. I have no idea why, it was like it loosened up after the first rep or something. I don't get it.


you want advice, but you won't listen anyways. stop lifting until it heals. that's all.

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