I have been really stressed at work.. the culture is really bad and there is so !


I have been really stressed at work.. the culture is really bad and there is so much pressure.?

i haven't been there long enough to quit without it looking dodgy on my resume. i saw a dr who prescribed me zoloft (25mg a day) and temazepam for insomnia. the zoloft doesn't seem to work at all. i am so stressed i can't eat and have a nervous feeling in my tummy all day long


how long have you been on the zoloft? it takes this medication up to 2 weeks to fully kick in.

if it's been longer than 2 weeks, then talk to your dr about possibly upping the dosage (max dose of this med is 150mg). you might just need to try a different form of anxiety medication too.

try using other stress relieving methods.

-take all allowed breaks at work. these give you a chance to step away from the situation and get some fresh air. go take a 15 minute walk to clear your head

-if allowed to, bring a small cd player to work and play soothing music to help calm your nerves (they sell several kinds of these cds at places like target)

-avoid caffeine during work hours-this stimulant will put you more on edge and make you more anxious. try drinking non-caffeineted ice teas or coffee.

hope this helps-as a nurse in a trauma icu-i know what it's like to work in a high stress environment!!

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