Epi-Pen -- Anaphlyactic reaction to bee stings -- but my friend can't afford one!


Epi-Pen -- Anaphlyactic reaction to bee stings -- but my friend can't afford one?

I have a friend who has, in the past, suffered from anaphylactic (throat closing up, generalized body swelling, impaired breathing) reactions to bee stings. The doctor has recommended that she always carry an Epi-Pen, but these need to be replaced every six months, and at $50 a pop, it's not something she can afford.

Since we live in Michigan, really, the most dangerous time for her would be April through September, so she'd be pretty safe not carrying one in the winter months.

Does anyone know of a way that she can either get one free or at a very discounted price? (She has no health insurance.)

Where can she go (or who can she talk to) to ask about this?

Thanks so much.

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4 weeks ago
Yes, basic health care is very expensive over here and out of the reach of "the working poor" (as we call them -- people who go to work every day, whose employers themselves can't afford to cover their employees under a health plan). That's why many Americans get very upset when they see our government sending aid to places like Africa (who don't appreciate it -- and for the most part hate us) or spending all that $ in places like Iraq/Afghanistan (who also don't like us. Many Americans would like to see our military, save the $, pull out, stand back, and just let them kill each other).

We have tax-paying people over here, who are funding all that crap, and we're sending aid to countries wouldn't even think of helping us if the chips were down...and yet...some very hard working taxpaying people over here are going without some basic things and could use a little help...see...got me started....


Go to your local Health Department and explain to the the situation; it is likely that they will be able to help.

Paramedic in SC

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