Im 22. im nearsighted. 2.0 degree , will it get worse?!


Im 22. im nearsighted. 2.0 degree , will it get worse?

I always hear different things. I hear that in my age , its stable. I hear that it will get way worse as i age. I hear that it will get a little worse and then stop. I hear the worst has already happened. im aabout 1.5- 2 degrees. Will it get worse?


Ok, here are the facts. Most myopes (near sighted people) tend to start becoming myopic around 8 to 10 years of age. They then tend to progress through adolescence until about age 18 - 19 in females and maybe a year or two later in males. This is why the FDA mandates that laser vision correction can only be performed on individuals who are at least 18 years of age.

If you have inherited what is called progressive myopia the increases in myopia can be quite large. Since you are about 2.00 it sounds like you do not have progressive myopia.

Understand that life by its nature involves change. So anyone can change as they go through life. But STATISTICS show that the great majority of myopic individuals do become quite stable around 18 to 20 years of age and remain relatively stable until around age 42 at which time they begin to lose focusing ability for reading. This loss in focusing for reading (it is not a change in myopia) tends to increase until about age 55 and then stops. At that time you tend to see a return to stability until other age related eye health issues can cause further change. The major issue that tends to cause prescription change would be cataracts. This tends to occur in most people in their late 60's to late 70's. Hope this helped.

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