Do people get some type of high from cigarettes?!


Do people get some type of high from cigarettes?

dont see why people smoke cigaretts, what are you getting out of it, what?


They all get high to begin with. Nicotine, which is the active ingredient in cigarettes is a stimulent and upper.

I as a child use to wonder why any adult would put something in their mouth then light it on fire. If only teens and young adults had the wisdom of young children. Young children see it as the ugly filthy habit it is.

Most don't know that tabacco products when tested by labs, fine human poo in it, do you want to have that going into you. It's because it's never washed and those who work in the fields where it's grown often don't get bathroom breaks despite the law requiring they get those breaks, and so they have to go right there in the fields.

One someone smokes for a while adn it depends on the person; some are addicted in as little as a week of smoking a few cigs a day, others it may take a month. But cigarettes like other drugs, alcohol products, even the drinks like jolt with high levels of caffiene in them, all turn on the addiction switch. The body begins to believe that having that substance in it is required, so when it doesn't get it, the withdrawl symptoms come on and the body sends out very strong signals to the person that you need to smoke, you need to drink, you need this or htat. That is why everyone who smokes will in a few years say, "I wish I could quit, but I can't". They can with great effort. They are just as much an addict as the drug addict or alcoholic.

You don't want to become an addict, then don't put any substance in your body which is not needed for health and growth. Caffiene is one of the most abused drugs and it is a drug, but it's so socially accepted no one thinks of it as a drug.

If you don't use, you don't harm your body by cigarettes, caffiene, alcohol and any other drugs you don't need because of a medical condition or as medical treatment. If you dn't use them, you can't become addicted and you will save lots of money over time by not NEEDING those products and you'll likely save money on health care, as you won't be dumping chemicals into your body that can cause illness.

Believe me, I wish when I was younger someone had told me that even caffiene is a drug not just a pick me up.

Take care

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