Possible Or Not?!

Question: I was just wondering, I Need glases, and Im Currently wearing them, Its power is 150< the power of the glasses. Is it possible That if I eat enough carrots and stuff, that My eyes might get better and that i wouldnt need glasses anymore?

Answers: I was just wondering, I Need glases, and Im Currently wearing them, Its power is 150< the power of the glasses. Is it possible That if I eat enough carrots and stuff, that My eyes might get better and that i wouldnt need glasses anymore?

The carrots helping eyesight is somewhat of a myth. Carrots contain carrotene, which is a molecule that your body can turn into Vitamin A. Vitamin A is then used for many things, including the production of retinal, which is a molecule that is important in the photoreceptors of your retina and help you see. However, your body typically has plenty of sources of Vitamin A without eating a ton of carrots.

As far as improving your refractive error, I highly doubt it. Your glasses prescription has to do with the focusing power of your cornea (clear "front" of your eye) and lens, and the overall shape/length of your eye. It has almost nothing to do with the cellular structures of your retina unless you have some kind of disease, in which case eating more carrots is the least of your worries.

Sorry, no. Would be nice tho.

exercising my eyes has made it so that i only need my glasses at night to focus the light from on coming cars and streetlights
my optometrist gave me an exercises involving a pencil... if you're interested, let me know

Carrots work but they take almost a lifetime

eat carrots it will reduce your eye power, and maybe you will not need glasses. my sis too did that she had -1.5, now she doen't wear glasses.


The carrot story is essentially a myth, with its origins in British propaganda of WW2

Snopes has it as well as anyone, see below.

*If* the eyes have cramped into reading mode, formal term "ciliary spasm", they appear more short-sighted than they actually are and the eye exercises already mentioned can have a drastic effect in improving the distance vision.

But, to emphasise, this only works under that particular circumstance, not with all cases of short-sight.

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