For some reason my left eye twitches every once in a while.?!

Question: there is nothing in my eye, I can feel it when it happens, I didn't notice till recently how noticeable it is till my co-worker asked my what's wrong with my eye. It doesn't hurt but why is this taking place?

Answers: there is nothing in my eye, I can feel it when it happens, I didn't notice till recently how noticeable it is till my co-worker asked my what's wrong with my eye. It doesn't hurt but why is this taking place?

There are muscles that control your eyelids and at times they become fatigued. It has nothing to do with being stressed, physically tired, dehydration, or lacking vitamins. Sometimes intensely concentrating on a computer screen can cause it (CRT fatigue.) Try looking away from your screen for a few seconds every five or ten minutes to "rest" your eyes more. Of course, taking a nap or sleeping will inadvertently rest the muscles also.

I've heard that's a magnesium deficiency.


I was told by my doctor that a twitchy eye is caused by dehydration

Magnesium deficiencies cause muscle spasms, but there may be other causes. You might try increasing leafy vegetables in your diet for a week, they're rich in magnesium.

I've always heard my mom say it was a Vitamin deficiency.

The same thing happens to me when I haven't had a good night's sleep. Try going to sleep a few hours early and see if it goes away.

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