What to do with left over contact lenses?!

Question: I had Lasik surgery, but had ordered contact lenses right before...of course. Anyone know if contact lenses can be donated? Or taken back somewhere? I ordered online, so can't take back to my doctor.

Answers: I had Lasik surgery, but had ordered contact lenses right before...of course. Anyone know if contact lenses can be donated? Or taken back somewhere? I ordered online, so can't take back to my doctor.

I was in the same situation, a couple of years ago. I had about a year of monthly lenses, in three different colors. On my day of lasik surgery, I asked my surgeon about this. He said that when I came back for my one day follow up, I could bring in my UNOPENED contacts and old glasses. They did a weekly donation to a charity (I think it was the Lions Club, but I had already taken my Valium, so I was a tad hazy!). The next day, at my appointment, they were happy to take these things off of my hands. I gave all of my saline and cleaners to one of my friends who wears contacts, and she was happy to receive those.

Anyhow, I would call your Lasik Center and ask them what you can do about donating.

I'm sure you could donate them at your eye doctor's office, regardless whether you ordered them there or not.

If not, you could call around to some local charities to see if any would take them.

Sorry you just have to consider it a lost. lasik surgery how do you feel

You may want to contact a local Lyons Club. I know that take old eye glasses. They may know if anybody accepts unused contact lenses

Contacts are considered a Medical device by the Food and Drug Administration. You cannot donate or should you even give them away. No one should be given free contacts without a proper written prescription from a Doctor. It the same as saying, I have extra pills left over from my medication, what do I do with them? Dispose of them. Your Optician at Kikisgiftshop.com

Yah, u can return the lenses to the supplier or change the degree and give to ur friends

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