Do u like glasses er contacts better?!

Question: and why?

Answers: and why?

Contacts, hands down. Much better and more natural vision--it's like my eyes just get magically corrected. No perpherial distortion or lens edge awarness.

With my glasses, that are of course with a trendy short and smaller lens shape, I feel like, "I AM ROBOT. LOOK THROUGH NARROW LENS. SEE NARROW PART OF THE WORLD. I AM ROBOT...."

Plus glasses get dirty constantly and I hate having any blur due to skin oil or crap on the lens, so I am always cleaning them all day...

Contact lenses rule when you get a good fit and material that goes for 16+ hours with no problems...!

Contacts! I look like crap with glasses on which is why I got contacts in the first place. But I love them because I can see but I can still look like myself!

Definitely my contacts. I can see out of the corner of my eyes, just like before I needed glasses.

I like contacts better. I have better vision than with glasses. I feel I look better. Ideally, Lasik would be the way to go.

It really depends on how bad your eyesight is.. Personally, I prefer glasses because my vision isn't so bad that I have too much trouble seeing things. I can just put on my glasses to read something far away and then just put them away. But, if my vision got worse, I would probably prefer contacts.

contacts. they're not as easy to get scratched up. a little uncomfortable at first until you get used to them.

I actually like both. I like having glasses because sometimes I have my lazy days and just put my glasses and just go. I use my glasses for work because sometimes my contacts get dry from being on the computer. I like wearing my contacts when I go out.

I prefer my RPG contacts much better than glasses. My vision is sharper and glasses get in the way. 2D

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